SCHEDULE 1 - EzLicence Payment Policy
All terms defined in the Driving Instructor Terms and Conditions and the Learner Terms and Conditions have the same meaning as set out there and are incorporated into this Payment Policy.
This EzLicence Payment Policy is binding on each Driving Instructor and Learner, and is a supplementary schedule to the Driving Instructor Terms and Conditions and the Learner Terms and Conditions respectively.
Booking Prices
1. The price for a booking is set by the Driving Instructor and may be based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, pick-up location of the Learner, the vehicle transmission, and the particular Driving Instructor selected.
2. All booking prices Discount Bands referred to in this Agreement are based on one hour bookings.
3. A Learner will be notified of the total price per booking, and must confirm the total price for each transaction before payment will be made to the Driving Instructor.
Discount Bands
4. If a Learner makes payment for the equivalent of multiple booking hours in the same transaction, they may receive a discount according to the following Discount Bands, whereby the discounts are based on, and calculated, from the booking price referred to in clause 1 -
4.1. Equivalent to 0 - 5 bookings hours' worth of credits = 0% discount;
4.2. Equivalent to 6 – 9 booking hours' worth of credits = 5% discount per booking hour credit,
4.3. Equivalent to 10+ booking hours' worth of credits = 10% discount per booking hour credit.
5. Discount Bands will apply to the price per one hour booking as allocated at the time of purchase. This price is subject to change on subsequent bookings in accordance with clause 1.
6. Discount Bands are awarded as non-refundable bonus credit, added to a Learner's EzLicence wallet.
7. The bonus credit will be consumed at the time of booking in proportion to the discount received. For example, if a Learner -
7.1. Pays for the equivalent of 10 booking hours at $100 per hour in one transaction and receives a 10% discount in the form of bonus credit. Pays $900 and receives $100 bonus credit; and
7.2. Books a lesson at $100 per hour, $10 of the bonus credit (10%) will be consumed.
8. The Discount Bands will be applied if a Learner pays for 6 or more booking hours in one transaction, and is not cumulative across multiple transactions. For example, if a Learner -
8.1. pays for the equivalent of 8 booking hours in one transaction, all of those booking hours will be at a 5% discount; and
8.2. has already paid for 8 booking hours, and in their next transaction pays for the equivalent of 8 booking hours, a 10% discount will not apply to those additional bookings.
9. Discount Bands apply irrespective of whether a Learner changes Driving Instructors.
10. If a Learner is granted a refund, the refunded amount will be based on consumption of credit rather than the purchase value. For example, if a Learner -
10.1. Pays for the equivalent of 10 booking hours at $100 per hour in one transaction and receives a 10% discount in the form of bonus credit. Pays $900 and receives $100 bonus credit; and, all of those booking hours will be at a 5% discount; and
10.2. Completes 5 booking hours at $100 before being granted a refund for their remaining balance. The learner will only receive a refund of $450, as they are not entitled to the $50 of bonus credit remaining.
11. From time to time, EzLicence may offer other offers, including discounted booking packages, of which the Discount Bands may not apply.
Cancellations and rescheduling
12. Any cancellations made by a learner within 24 hours of a booking start time is considered a late cancellation.
13. Under the Booking Modification Policy, the Driving Instructor may do either of the following -
13.1. require that the Learner pay the total cost of the booking; or
13.2. reverse the payment entirely and allow the Learner to reschedule their booking with no charge.
14. In the event of a late cancellation, the Driving Instructor will be paid the Late Cancellation Fee. The Driving Instructor has 30 days to apply clause 10.2. If no option is selected within this time frame, then clause 10.1 will automatically apply.
Lesson payment validation
15. Driving Instructor payment is automatically applied at the end time of each booking. EzLicence assumes that the booking was completed.
16. If a completed booking is reversed by the Driving Instructor or EzLicence within 30 days of booking end time, the full booking payment will remain as a credit for the Learner to use for subsequent bookings, and clauses 22 and 26 of the Learner Terms and Conditions will apply.
Refunds for validated bookings
17. From time to time, EzLicence may receive requests to refund payments made to a Driving Instructor for completed bookings.
18. Any payment disputes raise via a payment provider after service delivery will result in debt collection and may be subject to additional fees.
19. EzLicence will investigate all refund requests and, at its sole discretion, make a determination whether a refund should be paid.
20. At its sole discretion, and subject to the Learner Terms and Conditions and the Driving Instructor Terms and Conditions, EzLicence may provide a full refund on one of the following situations -
20.1. it is brought to EzLicence’s attention that the payment received was due to fraudulent activity or was otherwise not authorized by the cardholder;
20.2. the Driving Instructor failed to reverse a booking payment for a booking the Learner did not take due to a fault on the part of the Driving Instructor; or
20.3. a complaint is received and it is determined that the Driving Instructor breached the Driving Instructor Terms and Conditions.
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